  • Safety Management System for Managers (e-learning 2025)
Preço por formando (isento de IVA)
  • 95,00 EUR
  • 4h 00m
  • On-line
Forma de organização predominante
  • Formação a distância – E-learning (individual)
Resumo do Conteúdo Programático
    • 1. Introduction to the Course
    • 2. Introduction to Operational Safety
    • 3. The 4 Pillars of SMS
    • 4. Sustainable Evolution of Operational Safety
    • 5. Responsibilities and Accountability
    • 6. Regulation
    • 7. Conclusion of the Course

Objectivos Gerais:
  • The Safety Management System for Managers aims to introduce the general concepts of Operational Safety in Civil Aviation, Aeronautics, Space and Defense Companies, in accordance with new perspectives and operational methods, with a focus on the responsibilities and accountability of Managers.

Objectivos Específicos:
  • - Identify the weaknesses and threats of the traditional method of Operational Safety Management;
  • - Describe new perspectives and methods for managing Operational Safety (Safety);
  • - Explain the need, strategies, and key characteristics of Operational Safety Management;
  • - Understand the fundamentals of hazard identification and analysis;
  • - Understand the fundamentals of Risk Management;
  • - Understand the requirements of Operational Safety Management according to ICAO, EASA, and ANAC;
  • - Relationship between the National Safety Program (State Safety Programme - SSP) and the Safety Management System (Safety Management System - SMS).

  • A Training Certificate is issued to Trainees who participate in the Course for the entire duration of 4 hours and achieve a minimum of 80% in the Knowledge Assessment Test.

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